Thursday 25 February 2016

OTS: Final Script Version 2

Quick Information

After the first edit of our Noir film, we decided to get Max's brother Sam to narrate, this was becuase although we had Greg acting as our Everyman we needed an older person with a more narrative voice. Sam read the original script I created and improvised some lines to make it more dramatic, or changed the tone to suit the mood.

(Open with Pan across radio, with added static, across and up to pictures of ex-girlfriend)
(Cut pan across desk, all the props laid out on the desk, while Greg used the typewriter)
(Cut to Greg placing cigarette in ash tray, Hard Sell appears, then fades and Greg picks up cigarette)

 (Greg picks up cigarette and starts to smoke)

"I did a lot of inexcusable things"

(Cuts to side view of Greg blowing out smoke)

"But I lost a lot during that time"

(Cut to Greg looking, and then putting down the cigarette to rub face)

"I lost my girlfriend, my job, I was in desperate need of money"

(Cut to Greg still rubbing face, to then continue writing on the typewriter)

 "It was at this low point in my life I started to work for an old friend. He came to me looking for someone he could trust"

(Cut to over the shoulder view of Greg typing)

 "Someone reliable. Who could do what needed to be done"


"It was simple. They gave me the money. I gave them the drugs"

(Cuts to low angle of Greg continuing confession on the typewriter)

"I had been dealing for a while now slowly rising in the ranks. Gaining more and more respect from the boss, for my hard work"

(Cuts to Greg picking up whiskey and having a sip)

 It seemed like things were on the up...till she came along"


(Cuts back to Greg continuing to drink whiskey)

"When she left she always gave me that look to say I was nothing, but, it lingered"

(Cuts to low angle of Greg still typing)

"When she left she always gave me that look to say I was nothing, but, it lingered. Maybe thinking oneday I could be something more. It was after a few pickups that we started to talk. Started to get closer"

(Cuts to over shoulder view of grep typing)

"In such a small amount of time you'd learn how much a woman with truly hate her husband"

(Cuts to mid side shot of Greg typing)

"Say what you want about the Boss but he lived up to his fierce reputation. He didn't seemed phased about the barrel of the gun being pointer directly into his face"

(Cuts to low side angle of Greg picking up the gun)

(Cuts backs to a mid side angle of Greg holding, and observing the gun)

"You could never tell, but if he did fear death, his fears were about to become a reality"



Tuesday 23 February 2016

OTS: Camera and Composition

In our opening titles sequence we used multiple shots, with different camera angles so that the Everyman is seen using all of the props on the table. Shots such as high and low angles are used to show how the Everyman is feeling, or what he is focusing on meaning the viewers attention is drawn to that object aswell.

Low pan across the desk

In this scene the camera slowly pans, from right to left, across the desk. The camera is angled so that you can see the Everyman using the typewriter, while panning across all the props such as the gun and the whiskey. Since these are unusual items to have on a desk it could draw in the viewers attention.
Although the Everyman is in shot, you can't quite see his face, this angle is used to create mystery and he will be revealed later on. Although we used this angle to create mystery around the Everyman's identity and revealing all the props for later shots. It could be seen as the Everyman being in a vulnerable situation, masking hid identity by hiding in his office.


In this clip we used the camera dolly Max and Greg created. This made it a lot smoother that doing a hand held pan across the table, because this made is a lot more shaky and would occasionally reveal a bit too much of Greg's face ruining the mystery
a problem with the dolly was that occasionally the front left wheel would come off the track because the camera was a bit heavy, to overcome this we decided to have Max feeding it half the way across from the right, then I held the other side making sure the camera was steady and wouldn't fall off. This was slightly annoying because it took two men to operate rather than one, but was easily overcome and didn't affect filming noticeably

This is a link to Max's blog about the making of the camera dolly:
In this Max has explained what materials they used, and what the process of making it was. There are all accompanied with pictures of the dolly being made.

Over the shoulder shot

In this shot, we see the Greg using the typewriter from a high angled over the shoulder shot, this is to portray him as feeling high/good because he is writing his confession.
For this we had no space behind Greg to put a tri-pod, so instead we attacthed the camera to the tri-pod and i held it, the problem is that we still got the stool and tri-pod feet in the shot. Another slight error was that i couldnt keep the camera perfectly still


Thursday 11 February 2016

OTS: Editing

During editing I changed the clips to black and white then adjusted the clips to be slightly blue which made the clips look slightly darker but also added some vibrancy. I also adjusted the darkness of the clips so that it would be darker depending on the scene. For the flashback scenes

For the flashback scenes I added a slight yellow tint to the scenes, cross blur transitions and added the dream video effect to make it obvious that it was a flashback.
This image shows the editing I did to make the clip black and white with a yellow tint.

This is showing the different video effects in iMovie.

This shows where I added the transitions.

This post was taken from Max's blog, this was because Max did the effects, meaning he created a post on what he did.
Max's Post:

OTS: Company Ident

Since traditional Noir films are primarily American, me and Max decided to search for street names in LA, California together on Skype. Despite being very impressed by Christmas Tree Lane, we decided that Lakewood Productions was the best fit.

Next I went about sketching ideas for what the Ident would look like. We wanted the Ident to match the Noir feel of the film, and we decided on the below sketch:

I decided to use Adobe After Effects to create the Ident. Despite being a complete beginner to the program, I used it because I wanted the Ident to look professional, unlike a Flash Animation. Below is the first version I created:

Upon viewing this, Max thought that the entire lantern glowing looked out of place, as he expected just the light bulb to glow. I found a Youtube tutorial and learned how to make just the light bulb glow, with a good result. Below is the updated version:

Finally, we agreed on the animation and I just had to add sounds.

Naturally, with the rain effect, I needed a Rain sound effect. I originally intended to use one which also included thunder, but I then realised that without any lightning in the animation, it didn't fit quite right. I instead used a Rain sound effect from this website (Royalty Free & Free to use commercially):

Next, I had to find a sound effect for the light bulb. Upon browsing, I found sound effects for light bulbs dying (or winking), in which the filament burns out. I decided on this sound effect, (again Royalty Free & Free to use commercially):

Interestingly, this sound was Folyed. Here is a quote from the creator's description of the sound:
'Used a frequency modulation to approximate the sound of filament burning up. Second sound is a pencil eraser tapped near the base of a 40W light bulb.'

Here is the final Ident with the added sound:

I created a questionnaire about the Ident, and I showed it to the class to receive feedback. I wanted to find out whether the Ident looked professional, and whether it achieved the same effect as Famous Idents such as The Universal Studios Globe, Paramount Mountain or Columbia's Torch Carrying Woman.

These are memorable symbols that invoke an image or emotion in the viewer. For example, they are often triumphant, such as the Columbia Pictures Ident, where the woman stands tall holding the torch high in the air. These symbols invoke a feeling of patriotism, as a lot of these companies are american and those americans who watched them see the huge symbols of freedom like the Paramount Mountain, and it makes them feel proud.

This is the survey you can fill out on our ident:
This is the link to the post that Greg made, he made the ident and all the information contained in the post:

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Blinds Cutout for Noir

Cookies and GoBos
Cookies: This stands for Cucoloris. These are a cut out of wood, metal, card or anything that casts a shadow. This stands between the light fixture and the subject. They can be bought in shops, but are also quite easy to make
GoBos: This stands for Go Before Optics, these are made out of metal or glass and go inside the light fixture, between the light source and the lens
For our blinds we decided t use the cookies design, this was because we had a laser cutter available to cut out the design on some mount board. When it came to supporting the cutout we decided holding it would have to do, otherwise the stand would get in the way of the already limited space we were working in.

 This was an example off google called 'go bo blinds' After I had this design I went onto 2D design and made this cutout. I then exported the design to a file compatible with the laser cutter. This screen shot is taken from the video linked below. But instead of making it slot in-between the light and lens, it is just a cutout using the blind design.

This is example of the laser cutter, cutting out the design. We made adjustments so that the blind separators were thicker and cast a better shadow on the walls

A useful video about noir Lighting can be found on TheBEAT website, this video contains a screen shot of the cutout we used to create the blinds shadow

Link to the video on TheBEAT:

Saturday 30 January 2016

OTS: Dolly

We decided that for our opening title sequence it would be nice to have smooth pans across the desk. The best way for this is a camera dolly. We decided that for this we would follow a video tutorial. Link to tutorial. We looked at all the things we needed from the video tutorial and hen went to homebase to get it all. 
Once we'd collected everything we started with the tubes for the dolly to roll on by driling holes through either side.
We then cut the wood to an appropriate size for the camera to mount.
Instead of a 90 degree metal strip we used plastic because it was cheaper and wouldn't affect the structure. We then cut this to size to be used to hold the wheels
Instead of a 90 degree metal strip we used plastic because it was cheaper and wouldn't affect the structure. We then cut this to size to be used to hold the wheels
We then drilled holes into the plastic so that it could be held in place by the wood and hold the wheels
We then cut more wood so that we could have a place to mount our poles

When we were adding wheels from a pair of old skates we ran into a problem because he wheels were too big to have them where the video tutorial instructs. This meant that it was very hard for to keep the wheels on the metal poles
We decided to add a strip to the end of the wheel and the used duct tape to keep it in place. This made it harder for the wheels to fall off of the track
I forgot to record a few steps but basically we took the head from a small tripod and then we used a special drill bit to hold the tripod head in place. 
I also forgot to record a few steps for this but we just drilled holes in the wood then put roofing bolts through the wood and the metal poles before 
This is the final product 
I am relatively happy with the camera dolly however wish that we had more time to create it because we may have been able to get some  different wheels which would fit the tutorial and make the dolly roll without having to be held in place. This camera dolly should reveal objects to the audience nicely and smoothly. This was also a much cheaper alternative to buying a camera dolly because they're usually very expensive. Here are a few examples Link 1 Link 2. As you can see these are around £60-£80. Although there are a few setbacks with our dolly it only cost us about £20 which is far cheaper than buying a premade one.

This post was taken from Max's blog, him and Greg decided to both create the dolly together, while I made the cutout of the go bo blinds
Max's Post:

Thursday 28 January 2016

Research: Age Certificates

Taken from:

A U film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over, although it is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. U films should be set within a positive framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror. Infrequent use of very mild bad language (e.g. ‘damn’ and ‘hell’) may be used. Characters may be seen kissing or cuddling but nothing more and this should not be an focus.
A PG film should not unsettle a child aged around eight or older. Unaccompanied children of any age may watch, but parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger, or more sensitive, children. There may be mild bad language (such as ‘shit’ or ‘son of a bitch’) in a PG film, but the context and delivery are always important. For example, these words should not be used excessively or without a purpose. Violence will usually be mild.
Films classified 12A and video works classified 12 contain material that is not generally suitable for children aged under 12. No one younger than 12 may see a 12A film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Strong language (e.g. 'f***') may be passed at 12 or 12A, depending on the manner in which it is used, its frequency and any special contextual justification. At 12A, moderate violence is allowed but it should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if they can be justified.

No one younger than 15 may see a 15 film in a cinema. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context. There may be nudity in a sexual context but usually without strong detail.There may be strong threat and horror. A sustained focus on sadistic or sexual threat is unlikely to be acceptable. Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Frequent strong language (e.g. 'F***') is allowed.
No one younger than 18 may see a 18 film in a cinema. Whereas a 15 may only contain short, less detailed scenes of gore and violence, an 18 may have several long gory scenes. Very strong language is allowed (e.g. 'c***'), there are no limits on frequency or aggression.
At 18 drug taking may be shown but the work as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse.

For our OTS, we are aiming for a 15 certificate, as we want some inferred sexual references and possibly some very occasional strong language. There is a large focus on drugs and violence, which could not be possible at a lower certificate. On the other hand, the violence and references aren't strong enough to make it an 18 certificate.

This is Greg's blog post about Age Certificates:
He was the one to do the research and present the work, I copied it over to my blog. 

Friday 22 January 2016

OTS: Final Script Version 1

Quick Information

After the first edit of our Noir film, we decided to get Max's brother Sam to narrate, this was becuase although we had Greg acting as our Everyman we needed an older person with a more narrative voice. Sam read the original script I created and improvised some lines to make it more dramatic, or changed the tone to suit the mood.



(Everyman smoking in his office while tpying confeesion on typewriter)

"I did a lot of inexcusable things, but I lost a lot during that time. I lost my girlfriend, my job, I was in desperate need of money. It was at this low point in my life I started to work for an old friend. He came to me looking for someone he could trust, someone reliable. Who could do what needed to be done"


"It was simple. They gave me the money. I gave them the drugs"


"I had been dealing for a while now slowly rising in the ranks. Gaining more and more respect from the boss, for my hard work. It seemed like things were on the up...till she came along"

(five seconds of flashback)


"When she left she always gave me that look to say I was nothing, but, it lingered. Maybe thinking oneday I could be something more. It was after a few pickups that we started to talk. Started to get closer. In such a small amnount of time you'd learn how much a woman with truely hate her husband. Say what you want about the Boss but he lived up to his feirce reputation, he didn't seemed phased about the barrel of the gun being pointer directly into his face. You could never tell, but if he did fear death, his fears were about to become a reality"


We decided not to use this version, this was because the text was all in block and was unclear fir anyone needing to read it. Also the directions were very basic and unclear, where as version 2 was a lot more detailed and laid out
This comment was added after I created the second Version (25/02/2016)

Friday 15 January 2016

OTS: Location Hunting Vlog

We needed a location for a flashback in our OTS, which is a drug trade taking place outside. We wanted a corner spot, preferably with a old style lamp post. It was important to make sure there were no modern signs or buildings nearby.We found two spots that we could use, I explain our choices and why in the video.
This video is taken from Greg's blog:
We all went up the city together to do location research. Greg took the video with him and edited the video, I embedded the videos html into my blog post

Wednesday 13 January 2016

OTS: Rough Script

Rough Script: In the actual script for the narration the Everyman will mention a prop from the opening title scene when the camera is panning across the room. When the Everyman mentions, for example, a gun it will focus on the prop and then the flashback will occur using that gun which could be shooting 'The Boss'
It was at this low point that an old acquaintance came to me and pushed me down the road I didn't need in my life.
It was one of my early jobs, it was a simple swap of money, for drugs. After dark in the back alleys is safe enough for anyone, the police don't tend to bother with these parts of the city after dark.
By this time I had been working and dealing for a while, slowly rising in the ranks of respect from 'The Boss'. To be honest it would have been fine, except for her. We met many a time and after a month of our secret meetings she decided to pitch her master scheme to me
When the time came around i realised I had never been to The Boss' house before this and what a warm welcome it would be to kill him within it. He seemed almost as on edge as me, unfortunately i didn't know he had plans with her as well. Except she didn't know either...
upon returning I entered the room, in the dark all i can make out from the beat of light escaping from the door frame was a crumpled body, I walked slowly towards praying the scenarios in my head were false.
Actual Script: After Greg had finished the mood board I was then able to write the narration and incorporate the props used in the opening titles scene.

Rough Script
(Everyman sitting in office)
It's no excuse, but I lost a lot during that time. 
I lost my girlfriend, my job...
I was in desperate need of money.

(Cuts to briefcase with money inside on corner of street, light shining on money)
(Greg | Everyman Narration)
It was at this low point that I started to work for an old friend. 
(They swap briefcases)
It was simple. They gave me the money, I gave them the drugs.

(Cuts to close up shot of whiskey surrounded by smoke in his office)
(Greg | Everyman Narration)
I had been dealing for a while now, slowly rising in the ranks, gaining more and more respect from The Boss' for my hard work. If she hadn't come along...
(Femme Fatale walks in from behind camera and leans on desk)
As she left, she gave me 'that' look and walked out of my door seemingly mean less to me

(Cuts to office at different times)
(Greg | Everyman Narration)
It was after a few pickups that we started to talk, and started to get closer...
(Cuts to sleazy hotel room with Femme Fatale and Everyman embracing)
In such a small amount of time I learnt how much a woman can hate her husband.

(Cuts to over shoulder view of Everyman shooting 'The Boss')
At least he was a man who lived up to his fierce reputation. He didn't seem phased about a gun being pointed directly at him.
(Cuts to a camera positioned behind 'The Boss' and boss falls down)
But if he did fear death, his fears had become a reality..

(Cuts to Everyman outside door/meeting place)
It was almost like a dream, everything seemed to have fitted perfectly to what we had planned.
(Everyman opens door and cuts to front view of Everyman in door frame)
If only I had been expecting this...

Thursday 7 January 2016

Location For Noir Filming

Our Location

With our filming location we are aiming to use quite bare and stony buildings. If we use more bright and colourful buildings it wont match traditional noir and will be harder to make black and white without noticeable effects.

Below there are some images of possible areas we could use for the flashback of swapping the drugs: Possible places in the city are places such as Elm Street and Tombstone which have the old style cobble streets. Tombstone has some ideal spots with old lamps and steep cobble streets.
The problem with Elm street is that is has sign posts that wouldn't fit with the decade of noir. So we would have to consider using other locations or changing the angle so it wouldn't be in the shot.

This is another part of Elm Street, the benched could be used for the drug swapping scene. The bench could be used as the swapping place or at any corner, this is also a good spot because there are no modern signs or houses. So the shot would be good for noir setting.

The problem with Elm street is that is has sign posts that wouldn't fit with the decade of noir. So we would have to consider using other locations or changing the angle so it wouldn't be in the shot.

For the opening title scene there is a possibility of being able to use the studio room for the filming of the opening title sequence. This is because of the bare walls and the ability of changing the lighting easily

Wednesday 6 January 2016

OTS: Props


I have been looking in antique & secondhand shops and I have found some good deals on typewriters. I am going to hold out on buying one for a little while because I may be able to borrow one from a drama teacher and I am waiting to hear back. Below are some of the typewriters I have found:


I searched amazon for toy pistols and I found one that looked very similar to the Walther PPK. It arrived yesterday and it looks very convincing for a toy gun. Its almost identical to the original from a distance (so long as you disregard the orange end!). I will paint over the orange end to make it look more authentic and maybe even add a red dot to the safety like the real one. Below is a comparison:

This post was created by Greg, this was because he was in charge of looking into props, while Max did costume, and I researched location
Greg's Post on props:

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Foley Sounds

How/Where We Did It
During a double free period, me, Max ans Greg went to Max's house and went through the list of sounds creating them one by one
Creaking Leather: We used a leather seat and stretched it
Bag Drop: We dropped a school bag
Bullet Case:
Buttons: Keyboard buttons with modified sound

Saturday 2 January 2016

Group Communication

For our group communcation, we decided to use the FaceBook app, Messenger. This was easy because we could use FaceBook on our computers and on our phones. Also I was personally unable to send Images over texts and this would have made it difficult to share any ideas/props I had. We discussed different props we had and share pictures so we could agree on which ones were best. We also talked about the group name and agreed when/where to meet up for filming outside of school

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Paper Story Board

Paper Story
Fat sassy black american man
Inside a rock
A map
Why did peter pan eat so many golden nuggets?
Focus pull and pan
Mr.Johns Emporium
Dixie Normus
Applause and Gun shot
A dinosaur comes in and kills everyone

Rough Plot

  • There was a fat sassy black american man who was cursed to live inside of a rock
  • The only way to get out of the rock was following a map he found inside of the rock with a mysterious note on it "Why did Peter Pan eat so many golden nuggets"
  • There is a focus pull and a pan over the black man walking inside of the maze inside of the rock searching for answers
  • The black man finds an amazing place inside the  maze called "Mr.Johns Emporium" and finds a man who might have answers
  • The mans name is Dixie Normus and was also cursed inside of this rock and had a way out which needed two people
  • When they leave they are greeted by an old woman who sent them there in the first place, just as she is about to send them back but then as she applauds your efforts she gets shot in the back
  • Then a giant dinosaur that was also cursed to the rock appears and kills all of her minions closing in on you

Hansel and Gretel: Script


Hansel: Jude
Gretel: Wil
The Witch: Adam
Dad: Wil
Mum: Adam

Opening title sequence

(Hansel is sitting in oven)
 Hansel: I guess you want to know how i got here. How I left my own sister for a woman I didn't even know. I guess it all comes with the job description, but it could happen to anyone

*Flashback to house*

(Hansel enters the room to talk with his parents)
Hansel: Hi mum and dad
Dad: You see this Jar? Its empty, you and Gretel need to get some sweets
Hansel: But what about-
Mum: Head to the forest and don't bother coming back unless you have any sweets. Now go!
(Hansel wexits the room)

*Flashback to Hansel and Gretel walking in the forest*

Hansel: Why did mum and dad tell us to come out here we're never gonna find anything
(Gretel nods)
Hansel: I Brought some bread in case we need to know the way back
Gretel: I also stole Dad's gun so we would be protected
Hansel: Thats good!
(Cuts to Hansel and Gretel lost in the woods. Then a twig snaps)
Gretel: What was that?
Hansel: Come on lets go, I don't like this
(They come to a split in the path, bot leading different ways)
Hansel: The road splits into two ways, I can see a house down there
Gretel: I think it could be risky...
Hansel: They could have sweets, that's what we need
(Gretel shakes her head disapprovingly)
Gretel: It could be dangerous we should not go there
Hansel: Well I'm going this way!
Gretel: Fine!
(They storm off, taking one path each)

(A beautiful lads catches Hansels eye and he follows here willingly)
Hansel: She looked gorgeous standing there. So I guess thats what i gave in to
(Hansel follows the woman inside)
The Witch: Take a seat
(They sit at either end of the table)
The Witch: You looking for these? (Taunts Hansel by shaking the bag)
Hansel: Where did you get these?
The Witch: Does it matter? Go ahead, try some
(The camera switches between Hansel, the Woman and the Sweets creating an intesnse scene. Eventually Hansel eats one of the sweets)
(While Hnasel is 'dazed' from the 'sweets' the Woman locks him insde of an oven)

*Flashback to furnace*

Hansel: So, now you know how it happened. My sister off somewhere else in no life threatening danger. But me, stuck in a furnace, waiting for death
(Gretel takes out her phone to call Gretel)
(Hansel's phone starts to ring)
Gretel: Hansel, I should have never of left you
Hansel: No Gretel there's no time for that, I need you to save me
Gretel: Wait what?
Hansel: Come...come to the house quick
Gretel: OK I'm on my way

(Gretel enters the house with her dads gun ready)
Gretel:(She whispers) Hansel, Hansel?
(Gretel slowly walks through the corridor, and comes to a room. She sees the Witch as she stands in the door frame)
The Witch: Who are you?
Gretel: I'm looking for my brother Hansel...
The Witch: Hah, your too late
(Gretel shoots the Witch in the leg out of anger, she walks over to the witch on the ground and takes the killing shot)
(Hansel's muffled screams come from the furnace and Gretel runs to it)
Gretel: We need to leave!
Hansel; No, we need to get those sweets
(Hansel grabs the sweets)
Hansel: Now we can head home
(As they walk out of the door, it cuts to them walking home in the woods)

The End

Friday 6 November 2015

Hansel and Gretel

Final Evaluation

What went well:
  • The locations that we used were spot on for what we needed, the woods had all the parts we needed: a path for laying the bread which helped stick to the fairy tail and the space of the woods allowed us to use different spots making a unique view for each shot we took
What could be improved:
  • Location had a few nicks, this was mainly the high key lighting which didn't give it the menacing/darker effect we wanted for when we were lost in the woods. If we had of filmed outside of school we could have changed the time of filming giving us more flexibility with lighting
  • Sound was a very big issue for us. It was either the wind being picked up by the microphone or us not being loud enough unless you had it on full volume, but even when we tried  to increase the volume when editing the background noise was also increased meaning we had to keep it at the original level. To improve this we could have used a separate microphone from the camera or added in the speaking after

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Neo Noir

Background Of Neo Noir

Neo noir can be a range of things, it could be that they use the general rule of noir, dark and thriller, but they put a modern twist on it. They could have color in certain parts of the film or have the location set in a future settings.

One of Misfits episodes had a Noir spin on it. In the episode one if the main characters, Curtis, falls in love with a Femme Fatale. This episode has some conventional methods of Noir with there being a Femme Fatale, an Everyman. 
Yet apart from its conventional characters, it has very unconventional twist to it aswell. One of the main things being a zombies who weren't really in films apart from horror. Also a Black main character would not have happened in 1950's. Also aside from all of that its set in Britain rather than america, the whole thing is in colour although a grey sort of filter seems to have been put over the top.

Sin City can be mistaken for a traditional Noir from the black and white posters and covers. But it has some very interesting style types and unique colour choices. The one I watched had two of the main characters, Everyman and the Villain. A majority of it is narration from the Everyman. Another thing is that is contains traditional Noir music even though it set in modern day.
The film is an adapatation of the graphic novel 'Sin City' The unique style they use is having all of the film in black and white, yet when a definitive colour, such as a bright red dress comes into the scene, this will be the only thing in colour meaning all attention is drawn to this. In the Sin City I watched there was a villain called 'Yellow Bastard' and quite literally his whole body was yellow, and this drew attention to him in any scene

Red Riding is set in the 1950's and is a British film. This is slightly more conventional, it has the dark and grimy feel, and it starts at the end and tells the whole story. Along the lines of characters it has the usual ones like the Everyman. It also uses smoke the same way typical Noir's do.
Although the story draws away from the traditional noir, this time the trouble is being caused by the Femme Fatale. The music is also more guitar based, and has a very effective way of building up tension. Finally the Everyman is a lot younger than you traditional Noir, he is more in his 20's

Sunday 20 September 2015

Freeze Frames

Freeze Frames
Our teacher wrote out a short noir opening scene. She then asked us to re-create it using freeze-frame images for each scene in any order we liked.

Buster Rayburn is in a prison cell His voice over can be heard 'Here I am again. They said I wouldn't make iton the outside. If only i didn't meet that dame'

Flashback to buster walking out of jail

Buster is drunk in a bar on his own when a gangster who says they have a job for him. Buster turns the job down

The gangster's girlfriend Lacey Lane appears. Buster can't take take his eyes off her 

Back to buster in jail. Voice over 'if only I had walked away when i had the chance'

Buster is back at the same bar drinking bourbon. Lacey lane walks in a whispers seductively in his ear

Lacey gives buster a gun and a kiss

Buster shoots the gangster as he leaves his house one morning

Buster and Lacey meet in his dingy hotel. She thanks him and says that she will run away with him that night 

Buster waits for Lacey at the railway station. The cops turn up and arrest him. Lacey can be seen in the background. She has obviously reported him to the police 

Buster quickly grabs a police mans gun after a struggle, manages to fire a shot which hits Lacey and she dies 

Back to buster in jail. His voice over can be heard 'You see dames always bring a man down. She wont hurt anymore suckers now'

Media and Me

Media and Me
This is a vlog about how i sue media and how it affects me. This is my first blog on this blog so I wasn't very confident and I stuttered a little

Wednesday 16 September 2015

What is Film Noir?

Film Noir is a type of film that appeared around the 1930s. It originated from American and is a dark and mysterious film. Noir brought the standard 'gender specific' roles to TV and film. These included the Everyman, Femme fatale, henchmen and the villain. Film Noir became popular during and after the war, this was because everyone from the war had become to used to death that people decided to make films playing around with death. And this was ok because the war was a depressing period for everyone watching.


The Everyman is our main protagonist/narrator. He is as his name explains, an every-man, he has a normal job with a normal life. He was designed this way to be relatable to anyone watching the film/show. He is usually at the wrong end of the stick when it comes to being betrayed and ending up being killed at the end. This is in most conventional Noir, but sometimes he survives or just get sent to prison. Although sometimes the Everyman survives, otherwise all the 'real everymen' would dislike the fact that the character they relate to, always dies

Femme Fatale
The Femme Fatale, this is always the woman to seduce the Everyman, normally she is asking him to do a favour for her and uses her seductive ways to convince him. The Femme Fatale was created, because during the war women had started to help in the factories. With this they gained authority and so Noir was made to give the Everyman authority, and the woman to just be seducative and causing all the problems.

The Villain/Big Boss
The Boss is a character, normally presented as the Femme Fatale's husband or employer.  He is the general  bad guy, he has lots of wealth and dangerous henchmen to do his bidding. This character of Noir normally end up being killed or sent to Jail. This was for everyone watching to get a sense of justice, rather than the villain prevailing. Although in some Noirs we see out of the Boss' perspective and feel empathy for hi, rather than the Everyman

OTHER CHARACTER (could be included)

The Henchman are usually employed by the villain, this could be to keep the identity of villain secret. They usually come in a group of two or more, otherwise they tend to be assassins rather than a Henchmen

The Girl Next Door
The girl next door tends to be a false attraction from the Femme Fatale. When the Everyman has been broken, due to the Femme Fatale causing the problems, he goes to the Girl Next Door and she helps him

Examples of Film Noir